Friday, November 27, 2009

Flippin' Snow

OK. So it's bloody snowing out there & already I'm sick of it!! I know we've had a great fall and this probably won't even last the night, but come on now. Howie went out to get our dinner like 2 hours ago & can't make it home. I guess enough city buses have spun out at intersections on hills (hello - we live in Calgary - it's all hills!!) that he's almost completely blocked from coming home. I'm starving!! and getting a bit grumpy!! To top it off one of the cats threw up on the couch today & won't admit it!! The nerve. Ethan had a PD Day today so he spent the day with me at work - that was fun. Tomorrow we do our big shopping trip & on Sunday we're going to head over to the Round-Up centre for a Christmas Craft Festival. Looking forward to that - provided Howie makes it home & I don't starve to death first!! Well, I'm off to forage for food. Later.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Trying to keep up

So, here I am back again. Had parent teacher interviews tonight with Ethan's teacher. He seems like a nice guy - and considering I went in there ready to rip his head off - I think it went pretty well. We are all trying to figure out what motivates the boy, and how to get him to focus on tasks. At this point I'm kinda at my wit's end and certainly ready to try anything!! After the meeting we headed over to Market Mall for a scouting trip. I got an email from a store I like about a 2 day sale starting tomorrow. Howie & I both like their clothes so we picked out a few ideas & I will go back on Saturday to do some Christmas shopping. The deals were phenomenal so definitely looking forward to going back. I'm not really in the Christmas spirit yet - trying - but it seems early yet. Driving through town there are trees up in so many houses & lights in yards. Maybe it's because the last snow we had was Thanksgiving and since then the weather has been beautiful. Or perhaps it's just too early! I am looking forward to celebrating the holiday in our house this year though!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Catch Up!

Wow! I haven't been here since we got the house - not really keeping up, am I? So much has happened since then, how on earth am I supposed to catch up?? I won't! I will start fresh. News? Current news? Ethan's new excitement is that he has joined scouting & is becoming a Cub. He loves the meetings and is working hard to learn what he needs to do to become invested! On the school end of things, Howie & I have noticed great strides forward - however they are not yet being recognized on the report card - which means we are still struggling. He is becoming an avid reader - which I love! I laughed so hard when I caught him with the flashlight under the blankets!! My only regret when it comes to Ethan here is that although he has found some good friends at school, he has yet to find someone to play with in the neighbourhood and since we live out of the school district, it's not easy to set up play dates with kids from school.
As for me, I really don't have much personal news. I'm still enjoying my job. My boss keeps me laughing every day - what a change from what came before!! I'm still able to drive Ethan to school and pick him up every day, take him with me to work on P.D. Days, and take the day off when he's sick! The job isn't terribly challenging - but it is a step out of my comfort zone. I'm also the secretary of Ethan's school Parent Council. Not sure if I was ill the day I was asked or if I even really was asked. Kind of fell into my lap. I was borrowing a laptop but last weekend we went out & purchased a used one. I'm enjoying it - although the keyboard is taking some getting used to. I can use it in my scrapbook room - great for watching movies, scrap-snooping, might even post to my blog more often!!!! I have been spending a lot of time scrapbooking these days. Haven't been making cards too often but I'm enjoying working on the full pages!
Howie has been enjoying riding his scooter around. He joined the Apocalypse Scooter Club - they meet on Tuesday's and sometimes over the weekends if the weather permits. I got to ride it around one day - so much fun!! I had a blast and would love to ride it more! May wait for summer though! He is also applying to volunteer with the Cub group Ethan has joined. I think it will be great for them to spend that time together. Otherwise he spends time trying to get our house ready for the cold weather. Such a genius when it comes to fixing things. All I have to do is remark on a problem I see and next thing I know he is coming up with solutions & getting the job done. I love it! Well, I'm done for today but I am planning to be here more often! See how I do.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We Got The House!!

So excited! Yesterday we got the call - we got the house we wanted!! Only problem is that now I can't sleep because of all the plans going through my head. So much shopping to be done! On the nice end of things, we don't have to move everything in one day - we don't have to be out of the apartment till the 15th so we can take a little extra time to move our stuff. Well, that's all for now - I'm off to work!! Hi Ho Hi Ho...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Paques - as my son would say!

Well, it's Easter weekend and I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a very Happy Easter weekend! We are all eager for the big Easter Egg hunt here tomorrow morning - like any of us need more chocolate! What am I saying - there's always room for chocolate! Luckily, we are having a fabulous weekend, weather-wise! Howie fixed up the big bike for Ethan yesterday and after a few stumbles, he's been well on his way. Did I ever notice a difference today when we all took off on some of the local trails. I actually got to work up a bit of a sweat this time too! He doesn't have to peddle so hard to go a bit faster & I can finally work up some speed as well. I think this will be a great summer for riding - he's only gonna get faster!!
We also had an appointment to look at a rental house today! Because of the current economy & job situation, neither of us is ready for buying. But, we found a house for rent about a block and a half away. We met with the realtor managing the property today and all 3 of us are getting our hopes up, I think. It's not huge - but more than enough room. Best part is lots of storage, a front & back yard, fully fenced! It's directly across from a school yard & 2 parks - complete with playgrounds! Score 1 for Ethan. Being across from the school/playground means its patrolled by police and people MUST be going less than 30km in the area! We find out on Tuesday so cross your fingers for us! It would be nice to get out of this sauna of a building before it gets too hot! Well, once again, Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I've Mentioned 3's Before...

OK, I realize I haven't been here in a while and I apologize. I have been hearing about it, trust me!! Nothing really newsworthy was happening for a while - then, this past weekend, everything kinda came crashing down. But, I'll backtrack. I started my new job about a month ago. The hours aren't steady and it has been a real learning experience. I know absolutely nothing about custom made mouldings, baseboards or cornices, never mind measuring them out!! The most interesting thing to come out of the experience, and my mother will appreciate this, I'M USING MATH!!!! Who knew?? I guess the best part is that I really like my boss - he sure is a character!! My only excuse for not updating more is that I was coming home from work & vegging out. Not used to the whole work thing anymore!! Then, about mid February, Ethan started swimming lessons with his class at school. 5 lessons and most of the class comes down sick! Ethan developed a heck of a case of bronchitis but a short dose of antibiotics & he's motoring again - only 1 sick day from school so he's happy. Then, this past weekend, it all fell apart! I came home with a migraine on Thursday - darn chinooks. Howie spends the evening at emerg with his nannie getting x-rays on her hip. The next day Howie is sick all day but I drag my butt to work, with a brand new cough. Saturday, we had to call an ambulance for Howie cuz he can't walk and has been vomiting for more than 24 hours. I'm starting to feel pretty awful myself - didn't feel I should hang out at the hospital with my new found bark!! After a 12 hour wait, the doctor finally checks him out & announces he's going to surgery that night. About an hour later he is on his way home - misdiagnosis - he's got his antibiotics and percoset. Should be ok. He is feeling better now! That's when the bronchitis took me out. Couldn't get up from Sun to Tues, aside from a quick trip to the dr on Monday am. Funny, all I had to do was cough when I got the dr office on the phone Monday am & they were seeing me within the hour!! I've been feeling better today, but I'm still weak from not eating properly. Plan to go back to work on Monday when Ethan goes back to school - what a great spring break he's had taking care of his barking mom!! I'm not sure, is that 3?? I would have thought so, but this am Howie went down to his car to find the passenger window smashed in. 5 other cars in the lot were hit but nothing was taken so... I'm hoping it was the end of the 3, not the start...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

good news comes in threes

Well, I'm wiped!! Went skiing today with Aunt John & Uncle Laura. They wanted to see how Ethan was doing on skis after they gave him lessons for Christmas. We were all really impressed with his progress. He's doing a few more turns and slowing himself down a lot more, which was needed! He actually did 2 full runs without any wipeouts! You could definitely see it in his skiing when he got tired though - we knew when to call it a day. It was a great day for it - the temp was around 10 so we actually had to start removing clothing fairly early! What a great way to ski!! Just gonna hang out tonight and get ready for my big day tomorrow. I am starting my new job at the carpentry shop next door to Howie's work. Unfortunately we can't carpool because they're going to accomodate my hours with Ethan. I'll be able to go in after I drop him off and get off in time to pick him up. Not sure I'm going to enjoy working there but it's a good start and you never know till you try... Finally, my third bit. Tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for. We got the tickets months ago & it's been a tough wait! Tomorrow the HABS are gonna trounce the Flames & I'm gonna be there in all my HABS wear to show them my support. GO HABS GO!!!!